Stockport Orthodontics Logo

Price List

The price of your treatment includes your orthodontic treatment, retainers (i.e. the appliances that hold your teeth in position after treatment) and 12-month follow-up after treatment.

All costing are approximate and depend on your individual treatment plan.

Invisalign & Aligners

Single aligners for minor adjustments

Invisalign Lite

Invisalign Full

£150 per aligner



Lingual Braces

Forestadent 2D Lingual (upper & lower) for mild cases

Forestadent 2D Lingual (single arch) for mild cases

Incognito lingual appliances (fully customised)




Fixed Braces

Stainless Steel upper & lower

Stainless Steel single arch

Iconix (champagne coloured) brace upper & lower

Iconix (champagne coloured) single arch

Ceramic (Tooth coloured) braces upper & lower

Ceramic (tooth coloured) single arch









Transfer case to continue treatment

Removable retainer (each)

Fixed (or bonded) retainer


£200 per visit


